ZClassic Partnership with Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)
ZClassic Partnership with Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)
It’s been only several hours since Bitcoin Private (BTCP), a ZClassic fork that turned out to be one of the more successful hard fork products, started a thread on Reddit addressing the latest point of interest. That is considering proposals submitted by two teams interested in establishing a rock-solid future for ZClassic."ZClassic Partnership with Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)"
The two teams “competing” for the authority to make further contributions for ZClassic as well as for blockchain technology are named ZclassicCE and ZClassic Blue, each having their own idea of how the future of ZClassic should look like.
Both teams have gone forward with submitting their proposals for ZCL over to the team behind Bitcoin Private so that is why BTCP has started the thread on Reddit regarding this subject in order to collect the community feedback on both teams.
ANON, Anonymous Bitcoin announced from their official Twitter page several days ago that ANON will be entering a partnership with ZClassic.
The news came as more than significant for ZCL as the digital coin was left without an official dev team for over 4 months now, while ZclassicCE and ZClassic Blue teams gave their best in assuring that ZCL will get to see some future.
ZCL was also announced in an airdrop that should be organized by ANON where it is stated that ANON will be giving away around 5.000 ZCL units to contributors across the community.
Anonymous announced a double partnership with ZClassic and uRunit.io, announcing “partnerships before forking”.
With this partnership, ZCL and ANON will most certainly get some points on increased adoption given the fact that uRunit users would be able to spend ZCL and ANON for gambling on this platform, represented to the public as the introduction to “a new era in gambling industry”.
As of the most recent case of events, Bitcoin Private has taken over the official Twitter account of ZClassic, so after starting a thread on Reddit, the BTCP team has also asked for the community help through Twitter as well, asking for “community input on proposals submitted for taking over ZCL”.
ZClassic (ZCL) Performance
ZClassic, although without an official dev team for months now, is still complying to the trending currents in the market, which means that ZCL is currently going down in the red alongside with the majority of digital assets.'ZClassic Partnership with Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)'
The market has been acting bullish for a couple of days now, so ZCL gain by 4.49% in the last 24 hours, currently being traded at the price of 8.72$. ZCL the last couple of months; however, there is a hope among the community that the new changes could take to a potential rebound against the dollar in the following months.
ZClassic Partnership with Anonymous Bitcoin (ANON)
Reviewed by mir khaleq ali
July 24, 2018

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